Bridging experience with emerging trends

Embracing automation in a changing landscape

Bridging experience with emerging trends
April 2024
Núria Gómez

At Savantech, with nearly two decades of experience providing solutions to automate equipment and business processes, we've seen first-hand the transformative impact of automation on the workplace. Our experience underscores the invaluable role automation plays in streamlining operations, freeing human operators from repetitive tasks and enabling them to take on more complex and fulfilling responsibilities.

Recent reports, such as one from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), shed light on the changing landscape of work due to the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). The statistics are sobering: 11%of work roles in the UK are at risk of automation, potentially leading to the displacement of 1.5 million jobs, particularly in routine cognitive and organisational roles. The implications are significant, particularly for back-office, entry-level and part-time roles, where medium- and low-paid workers are particularly vulnerable.

Amid these challenges, however, lies an opportunity for synergy. Whilst the prospect of AI replacing jobs is daunting, the IPPR report highlights that proactive intervention can shape a more optimistic trajectory. By harnessing our collective expertise in automation and taking a strategic approach to integrating AI into workflows, we can not only mitigate job losses, but also unlock significant economic benefits. 

Indeed, the potential is for AI to enhance rather than replace jobs. By adapting to AI technologies, at-risk roles can contribute significantly to GDP, potentially to the tune of £92 billion a year, with even greater gains in a more AI-centric future. What's more, fostering a symbiotic relationship between humans and AI can lead to higher wages for employees and alleviate labour shortages in critical sectors. 

The crux of this story lies in effective adaptation. As experts argue, AI can be a catalyst for positive change in the labour market, provided we prioritise the development of workforce skills and invest in training and reskilling initiatives. By bridging our experience of automation with emerging trends in AI, we can navigate the evolving digital landscape with confidence, ensuring a future where human potential flourishes alongside technological progress.

Read more about it here.

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